It has been awhile since I have updated this but here is a bit of a run down of what I have been doing. For the last 3 months I have been and still am in Chile making mountain bike tracks until the 30th June, working full 9 hour days. Each day we ride up to where we are working which is about an hour (paid ride). We start digging around nine each day and work until about four then the ride home, ripping down all the previously built trails is amazing for a ride home at the end of the day.
I have been working in a crew of eight and have learnt a lot from different people, listening to every ones experiences and views on all different topics. Most of the guys have done a lot of travelling and it has been very beneficial to me as I am moving onto America and Canada after this contract.
This has been my view from the lounge for the last 3 months.
We have been working in all weather conditions from the beaming ten degree sunny days to negative five degrees with rain. There have been days where we have been working in snow and ice. All this just adds to the experience and I’ve tried to enjoy every part of it.
From now on I will be travelling north from Los Angeles up to Edmonton- Canada for my first race, with Adrian Retief. We plan to build our travelling around our training to make sure that we are getting the hours in.
So keep your eye on this space I’ll be posting weekly updates from now on in until after my main event, World Championships. Feel free to forward my blog address on to anyone who may be interested in reading it.
That’s all for now