The race track was on a ski feild like every other track I have on over here. The track climbed up for about 12 minutes then decended for 6 mintues. It had some short down hills on the way up and a few short climbs on the way down to break it up. The course was like a high way compered to some of the other tracks I have been racing on in canada.
I was plate number ninety two out of over one hundred riders and I was ranked eighty seventh so I was pretty much at the back. The start was just as fast as I imagined and I was fighting for positions and dodging a crash. The first lap was hectic and bottle necked a few times so that meant off the bike running and being agressive is the key to passing people in these situations. I made a few spots but lots then soon after, I didnt have the strength to hold on I was really suffering. I suffered like this for most the race, Well for three laps then I got pulled because of the eighty percent rule.
I'm dissapointed in that results because I was feeling good and was hoping to be able to get a good result. I am now heading back up to Mont Sainte Anne to watch the World champs and support the kiwis and spend some time with my parents which have been having their own Canadian experience.

We also had a break down on the side of the highway which sucked but all adds to the experience. We had 7 bikes and 7 people on this trip so we were full as. We even got to ride in the van while on the tow truck. The problem was a blown alternator and was fixed on a Sunday afternoon in 3 hours or so.