On Friday night I was picked up by to nice young men from Napier as we were heading to the top of Coromandel for a 72 km mountain bike race starting and finishing in Colville. We stayed in Coromandel with the rest of Team Avanti (Hiskey and JT) in a very nice bungalow.
The race started at 9am and I finished at 12:30, not my ideal race time... but a great race over all and I managed to sneak into the top 40 finishing 39th. I was riding my Spark 20 and loved it on the farm decent's and some of the corrugated roads. I had two peak full gels berry flavor that helped me big time, out near the end.
At the moment I am dealing with a bung leg and have seen a specialist but we are yet to confirm what it is. I am getting an ultra scan done on a main artery to my legs as well as other testing at the start of April.
I will keep you all updated in how that goes but for now I am going to take a small step down from racing and just enjoy riding and get stuck into my studies for semester one.